Thursday, November 24, 2011

Justin Bieber Vs. Robert Pattinson talks for Who's the Better Boyfriend?

Justin Bieber and Robert Pattinson have a lot of thinks in common. Both are known for being extremely loving toward and supportive of the beautiful and talented women in their lives--Selena Gomez and Kristen Stewart.

Robert Pattinson may not seem quite as publicly demonstrative in his support of Kristen Stewart, he too is always there for his lady-love. Rob not only takes care of her when she's injured on set and coddles her on the red carpet, he publicly praises her work Justine is totally open minded and so much carrying to his girlfriend. 

Now question is, which of these 2 sexy superstars is more supportive of his soul mate? Hollywood Life put the question to its readers in the form of a poll. The answers were surprising and hilarious. In response to the single question: "Is Rob the most supportive boyfriend in Hollywood?", a truly unbelievable 97.87 percent voted for R-Pattz leaving Justin Bieber with a only a pathetic 2.13 percent. 
Selena Gomez and Kristen Stewart are both lucky girls.

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